Sydney Process Service serves all documents, all jurisdictions, All Courts, anywhere, any time, - available 24/7
Call us for a discount now
(M) 0426 546 095 (Quotes)
(02) 9538 0839 (Admin)
We serve documents for law firms, government agencies and the public for the last 25 years Australia wide in all states and territories.
We promptly serve any documents, in any jurisdiction, in any area and anytime when required.
Our process servers are highly competent with preparing all required affidavits to meet Uniform Civil Procedure Rules (UCPR) requirements.
Documents may include statement of claims, divorce applications, subpoenas, demand notices, creditors petitions, bankruptcy notices and so on.
In addition, we also supply a skip tracing service to locate those problem defendants, witnesses and persons of interest.
*** All information is treated with strictest of confidence.